You only need to submit this information once, not each time you log in. The only time you will need to resubmit this information is if it changes.
July 29 - August 12, 2023 in Coronado, Costa Rica
This Checklist and Handbook is all about getting you ready for your time in Costa Rica. There are a number of things you will need to do. Make sure you read through this Checklist & Handbook thoroughly and add due dates to your calendar now.
Be aware this will be updated with additional information as our departure date approaches, so check back regularly to be sure you are prepared for our trip!
Due no later than December 30, 2022
❒ Complete and return your enrollment packet
❒ Upload a scan of your passport photo page
❒ Upload a clear ID photo (A recent portrait or headshot photo is acceptable with a clear white background)
❒ Complete required forms in the portal (personal information, medical release, and medical history)
Due no later than February 28, 2022
❒ Upload a copy of your COVID Vaccination card
Due no later than March 30, 2022
❒ Upload a copy of your immunization record to the portal
❒ Book your domestic travel to and from the designated departure airport within the designated arrival and departure windows
❒ Upload your domestic flight details to the portal
Due no later than April 30, 2022
❒ Make payment for your Vietnamese Visa application
Before Departure
❒ Get Negative COVID Test (details and guidelines will be released closer to the program start)
❒ Decide on a way you and your family will keep in touch (Skype, Whatsapp, FaceTime, research international phone plans, etc.)
❒ Decide with your family how you will pay for personal expenses while traveling
❒ Call your bank or credit card company to notify them of upcoming travel
❒ Get currency exchanged to Vietnamese dong
❒ Purchase and pack at home COVID-19 tests x 6
All students are required to complete an enrollment packet before they attend FDA. If you have not already returned a completed packet to our Admissions Team, you may do so here.
You only need to submit this information in full once. But, if you need to update anything, you can resubmit your information anytime.
In order to book your international flights, we must have a scan of your passport photo page. Check your passport is valid through January 16, 2024, and upload a scan as soon as you can.
Apply for or renew your passport if you need to. Remember, passports can take up to four weeks to arrive.
Do you have a foreign passport? If you are a citizen of any country other than the USA and require a visa to enter the USA, please be sure to upload a scan of this document in the “OTHER” section below.
To ensure safety throughout our program, all students are required to upload a completed medical history form and a copy of their health insurance card before attending FDA. This must be done no later than December 30, 2022.
Please ensure this document is from your doctor or travel clinic and clearly states your name. Documentation of immunizations and tests required to access the clinical facilities must be uploaded no later than March 30, 2023.
Upload a copy of your COVID Vaccination Card
Once you receive our international flight information, please plan your domestic travel and submit the information below. We need this information no later than March 30, 2023 to check that you will arrive on time and so that we can track your flight on departure day.
If you have a foreign passport, please upload a scan of your visa or green card below for re-entry to the USA
As a reminder, you signed the following Code of Conduct Agreement as part of your enrollment:
As a student enrolled in FutureDocs Abroad, I agree to the following expectations with regard to safety and conduct.
I agree to complete to the best of my ability all aspects of the FutureDocs Abroad Program and successfully participate both as an individual and a representative of The National Leadership Academies. I agree to conduct myself in such a way that supports my own learning, and supports the learning of my peers, the teaching of physicians, and the guidance of the chaperones.
FutureDocs Abroad is an alcohol-, smoking-, and substance-abuse-free experience. I agree to refrain from use of these substances as well as any illegal substances.
I agree to not engage in any behaviors that will put my health or life at risk, such as but not limited to departing from the scheduled itinerary and tour, entering restricted areas of host medical school and medical centers, entering financial agreements with locals, inviting strangers into the program or hotel, and providing locals with personal information such as passport information, credit/debit card information (other than secure bank/vendor), home addresses, and phone numbers.
I agree to remain in the assigned hotel or dormitory room as indicated by staff. Any changes or breach of this security precaution could lead to expulsion from the program.
I agree to maintain all required dress code standards as set forth by FutureDocs Abroad staff or requested by participating medical school/medical center policies. I also agree to remain with my assigned mentors, physicians, or other assigned staff at all site visit locations.
I agree to abide by the host university or institution’s standards and requirements.
I understand not complying with the above-mentioned expectations may result in dismissal from the program and return to the United States at my and my parent’s or guardian’s expense.
I agree to make FutureDocs Abroad administrators and staff aware as soon as possible of any difficulties I may encounter regarding my health, safety, finances, or any other issue that I consider serious or should be disclosed.
Attending FutureDocs Abroad isn’t just big news to your family, it’s also the kind of news your community papers, radio stations, and even television stations like to share!
We’ve created a template for you to use to create your very own News Release. Here’s what to do:
Step 1: Copy the News Release text below and paste into a document editor.
Step 2: Complete the information to personalize your news release with your name, hometown, and school. Then print the completed document.
Step 3: Create a cover letter from you that lets the reporter know more about you (hobbies, honors, other awards or sports). Optional: Attach a picture (a nice touch).
Step 4: Create a distribution list of local newspapers and magazines (include your school paper), radio stations, and television stations. Go online to find addresses. You can also distribute your news release to reporters email addresses.
Step 5: Send your letters and news releases to the attention of the City Editor at newspapers, the Assignment Desk at television stations, and the Station Manager at radio stations. It is not necessary to research their name, just send to the title.
If you talk with a reporter, be prepared to talk about yourself. You may want to prepare some bullet points about why you’re so passionate about medicine. If they have any questions about the program or the organization, have them call Lisa Rossi at 202-599-8442, extension 701.
[Student First and Last Name] to Attend FutureDocs Abroad in Hue, Vietnam
[Your city/town, state] – [Student First and Last Name], a [Grade] at [Your High School] of [Town/City] will attend a summer honors program in Vietnam from July 1 to July 16, 2023.
FutureDocs Abroad is an honors-only program that allows high school students to access what only third and fourth-year medical students can in the United States. The purpose of this internship is to honor, inspire, motivate, and direct the top students in the country who aspire to have careers in medicine, to stay true to their dream and, after the program, to provide a path, plan, and resources to help them reach their goal.
“[Insert a great quote from you about what you’re most excited for during your time in Vietnam. Perhaps about what you’re going to learn and/or experience.],” says [Student First Name].
During the two-week program, [Student First Name] will join students from across the United States and spend time observing surgeries taking place in the operating room, with the surgeon explaining the procedure as it’s being performed.
[Student First Name] will be in the gross anatomy lab with an anatomy professor, learning about the anatomy and proper dissection of human cadavers and practicing dissection techniques on animal parts.
And [he/she/they] will also shadow physicians in the Emergency Room, clinics, and wards in over a dozen areas of specialty (pediatrics, oncology, surgery, orthopedics, OB/GYN, and more).
FutureDocs Abroad is a program of The National Leadership Academies, which was founded on the belief that strong emotional intelligence is the cornerstone of student success and is committed to supporting students in their development. The National Leadership Academies also recognizes that prospective talent must be identified at the earliest possible age and help must be given to these students to acquire the necessary experience and skills to take them to the doorstep of vital careers as leaders and in the fields of medicine and the sciences.
For more information please visit or call (888) 986-6563.
Your passport will need to be valid through January 16, 2023, in order to enter Vietnam. Vietnamese immigration requires all passports to have at least 6 months validity beyond our departure date from Vietnam. Check the expiration date on your passport.
This is a VERY IMPORTANT STEP AND TIME SENSITIVE as you will need a valid passport through January 16, 2023, in order to apply for your Vietnamese Visa, which we will be applying for in March 2022.
If your passport is VALID through January 16, 2023, take a picture of the photo page of your passport and send it to our Admissions Team immediately.
If your passport is NOT VALID through January 16, 2023, visit the State Department website for instructions on how to renew your passport.
If you DO NOT HAVE A PASSPORT visit the State Department website for instructions on how to apply for a passport.
NOTE: The Department of State is experiencing significant delays so please make sure you apply IMMEDIATELY. All students are required to have a valid Passport Book to travel to Vietnam. Passport cards are not valid for International travel to Vietnam.
Passports must be full passport books.
Also, confirm that you have signed your passport on the page opposite the photo page. A U.S. passport is only valid once it is signed! If you have NOT signed your passport, use a non-ballpoint pen and make sure the ink is dry before closing your passport.
We recommend that you add your contact information in pencil on the Personal Data and Contact Information page. If you lose your passport, this will give you the best chance of getting it back.
If you are a citizen of any country other than the USA, and require a visa to enter the USA, please be sure to upload a scan of this document on the “Other” tab along with a scan of your passport photo page.
An upload of a clear ID-style photo is required. This should be:
- A recent portrait or headshot photo is acceptable with a clear white background. You may take this photo yourself (it does not need to be a professional photo), so long as it is head-on and clear
- In either JPEG or PDF format
- Submitted by no later than December 30, 2022.